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Bounce Rate

A website’s bounce rate signifies the amount of people who…

Conversion rate growth in Google Analytics

Updated October 19, 2019. Ask about our Pay-Per-Lead SEO program…

Updated October 19, 2019. We no longer support link building….

Ali Husayni

Why .edu & .gov Sites Are Credible, & How to Get Links from Them

There isn’t one tool by itself that serves as the magic bullet to launch a website to the top of organic search results. But links from credible sites can help improve organic SEO.

Ali Husayni

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density tells you how many times a keyword is repeated in a page. It used to be a good measure of relevance for old search engines.

Ali Husayni

The Best Free and Paid Directory Submission Sites List

Updated October 19, 2019. We no longer support link building….

Ali Husayni

SEO Is Worthless (Without a WordPress Blog)

It’s our normal SEO practice to build a custom Word Press blog for our new clients and continually post on these blogs. However, recently we’ve come across new clients who are reluctant to have a blog hosted on their site. We tell these clients not to waste their time and money on SEO, and there are many reasons why blogs are vital to optimal SEO.

Although search engine optimization is a complex process, the basic techniques—some of which SEO consultant Ali Husayni shares here—are no secret like many people mistakenly believe.

A recent commenter posed this question: “Do Trackbacks and Pingbacks matter when it comes to SEO?” The short answer is yes, they most certainly do matter, to varying degrees. The long answer includes an explanation of what Trackbacks and Pingbacks are, and their overall place in your SEO efforts.

Ali Husayni

Using Twitter for Marketing

Ali Husayni, CEO of the SEO company Master Google, describes how to use Twitter for marketing.

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